SLCO Newsletter - Summer is Here!

June 2023

Message From Our President

As I sit in our cottage to develop a message for the June Newsletter, I am reminded again about the beauty that surrounds this exceptional Lake. The water, deep blue, that can be a mirror at times and then appears with gentle waves and changes to large swales with “white caps” in stormy weather. The trees (deciduous and fir) swaying in the breeze. The numerous birds that grace the area with their antics, voices and beauty. We are “at peace” here as Mother Nature shows her face in the wild animals that provide us with their occasional presence (wild turkeys, white tail deer, groundhogs, chipmunks, squirrels and foxes to name a few).

We are a community of diverse people who lend their talents to their neighbours to further the natural beauty of our Lake. Alex Shepard is involved, as a volunteer, with Birds Canada looking at a survey of the Common Loon Population on our Lake. He has asked for assistance with this project. You can find the details on the homepage of the Skeleton Lake website.

We have two volunteers (Jan Hunter and Tony Shevsky) who test our water on a regular basis and report the findings at our Annual General Meeting and on our website. This involves going to the predetermined water sites, taking samples, testing and reporting. This all takes time and effort.

One of our Directors (Lawry Simon) along with a Member (Tom Grajnar) work with our Lake Partners (a group of similar lake associations/organizations) to share information and “best practices”. We can learn from one another and support each other.

At a recent SLCO Board meeting I was informed that our Lake has had a Regatta for about 50 years. Hunter Carpenter, one of our new Directors had a pamphlet outlining the various activities being promoted for the long ago Regatta. The location has changed, the programs vary but the event survives. Amazing!

In closing, this Organization (SLCO) provides numerous activities for our Lake Community such as Fishing Derby, Sailboat Races, Bugs-in-the Mud, Scales Exhibit, Photo Contest, Antique Boat Flotilla, concert events and BBQ lunches. The activities may change but the dedication to the our Lake Community continues.

Teddene Long, President SLCO.

Protect your Investment!

Whether you bought your cottage and invested in its design, or it was passed down through the generations, we are all invested in Skeleton Lake - its water, its habitats and its environment! The mandate of SLCO is to protect and conserve all of these lake qualities, the same qualities that add value to your property.  

Help us protect the water and the lands around Skeleton Lake by becoming a member.  Your membership provides funds to support our activities and by joining, you add strength to our numbers as we lobby all levels of government in this end.

If you are already a member, help us by encouraging your neighbours to join. 

It does not seem like much but it is one of the most important things you can do to protect your investment!

What do we do to help protect your Investment?

We test and track water quality ...

Learn more about our water-testing programs:

  • We check phosphorus, calcium, and chlorides for lake health. 
  • We check coliforms for water safety. 
  • Algae blooms can harm our water quality!  We reduce the risk by keeping a handle on phosphorus and that is why we watch it! 
  • We monitor to maintain the clarity of our water.

We protect the lake from harmful development ...

  • We lobby all levels of government looking to protect our water and watershed.
  • We have taken legal action to stop harmful commercial development that would have damaged our environment and made your cottage less inviting.
  • We have volunteers that serve on nine committees to make it all work! Let someone on your Board of Directors know if you are interested.

Mark Your Calendars!

And ... we provide enjoyable activities where you can meet your neighbours.

Event details are still being finalized and will be updated on the Events pages of the SLCO Website.

Skeleton Lake Fishing Derby

Open to all ages!   To register, send a photo of your catch along with the type of fish, weight and your name to tonyshevsky@gmail.comInclude ages for children.  This category-based event wraps up with an awards banquet and free pancake breakfast on Saturday, August 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Skeleton Lake Marina.  Entries close on Tuesday, August 1.

Photo Contest

Always attractive images of our beautiful lake!  Themes are once again, Life at the Cottage and Wildlife.  Give your photo a title and submit it along with your name to  Entries close on Tuesday, August 1.


Join in on the fun!  The tradition continues on Saturday, August 12 from Noon to 4:00 p.m. at Newport Adventure Camp.  Barbecue lunch will be served from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Old and new activities include:  land and water games; Scales Nature Park Reptile Experience; live entertainment provided by Country 102FM with a friendly dance competition; a cornhole throw; crowning of the Skeleton Lake 2023 Regatta King and Queen; and a raffle for a sought-after prize to be drawn at the Annual General Meeting. Start practicing your steps and tossing techniques now!

Annual Sailing Race

Test your sailing skills at a fun, friendly sailing race!  More information to follow.

Annual General Meeting

Keep up to date on lake happenings!  This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday, August 13 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to be followed with a barbecue lunch and concert.  More details to follow.

Bugs in the Mud, the Conservancy Guided Hike and the Vintage Boat Parade will not be offered this summer but we hope to see them back next year!

Do you have nesting loons in your area?

Learn how you can participate in Alex Shepherd's Loon Survey with Birds Canada.

SLCO Social Media


The SLCO Facebook Page, created for our members, has been a huge success with several posts a week and many likes and comments.  The lake photos are incredible and each month, we select the ones that receive the most likes, some over 100, and post them on the Skeleton Lake website. If you want to stay up to date on lake happenings, even if you are not currently on facebook, please consider joining!

Last year, SLCO set membership rules and decided that new participants must be SLCO members, families of members or friends with member referral.  We also approve requests from those who have a history on the lake but have since left. This means that acceptance requires that four questions are answered with specific details including lake address and SLCO membership name.  If you have been denied membership, please try again by providing all answers.  

New - Instagram

SLCO has a new Instagram account - SkeletonLakeCottagersOrg! There are only three posts but let's see how quickly we can get this populated!

Get Ready for Some New Skeleton Lake Gear!

2023 Merchandise - Coming Soon

We’re planning the launch a brand new catalogue mid-June with a first order deadline of June 29. Details will be announced on Facebook or check the SLCO Website!  Not on the SLCO Facebook page? Check it out … but remember, you’ll need to be an SLCO member to join! Let us know what you think of our new items. 

Kathi Poupard

The Bones of Skeleton Lake

The Book Team is planning another print of our very successful history book.  If you are still looking for a copy, please let Joanne know and she will add your name to our waiting list.  We will keep you all posted!

Looking for a Summer Job?

Skeleton Lake Marina is looking for boat cleaners to start right now! Please contact Julie MacLeod:

Service Department | Skeleton Lake Marina 
Direct: (705) 769-2151

Please continue to follow us on Facebook or visit the SLCO website for the latest news and updates.